Missions are at the core of who we are. Christ commanded us to go into the entire world to proclaim the good news, to care for widows and the orphans, to feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty, to welcome the stranger, to clothe the naked, and to visit the prisoners.

Below are some of our on-going ministries and they may change from time to time, with additional projects or programs added, or others deleted as we evaluate and respond to the needs in our community and world.


St Andrew UMC cooks serves and helps clean-up at the Community Breakfast for the Hungry, the Homeless and the near Homeless at FUMC on a bimonthly basis.


Backpacks, school supplies for students, or school supplies for teachers at Oakland Terrace Elementary School and a special luncheon at the beginning of the school year for the teachers and staff at Oakland Terrace.


We continue to participate in on-going needs such as the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) kits, various mission projects around the world, and the Alabama-West Florida Conference Children’s Home organization among others.