Name (required) Email (required) Street Address (required) City (required) State (required) Zip (required) Primary Phone (required) Secondary Phone 1. On behalf of how many individuals in your household are you completing this survey? (Include any household members who might attend functions at SAUMC in the future. This will help ensure we have an accurate data count)12345 2. Please identify the number of household members per age category that might attend functions at SAUMC in the future. (The total number indicated in this section should match the number indicated in Question 1 above) Preschool (0-5) Child (6-11) Adolescent (12-17) Adult (18-39) Adult (40-64) Older Adult (65+) 3. To the best of your knowledge, have you or any household member been infected with COVID-19?No, I/we have not had any symptoms and/or tested negative.I and/or another household member had a suspected case, which was not confirmedYes I/or someone in my household tested positive for COVID-19Other: 4. Do you consider yourself or someone in your home to be in one of the high-risk categories for COVID-19 (e.g., older adults, and those with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, lung disease, or heart disease)?YesNo 5. How strictly have you complied with the Stay at Home orders?Strictly (leaving home only when absolutely essential)Most of the timeSome of the timeNot at all (traveling freely) 6. Given your current understanding of the spread of coronavirus, which of the following is necessary for you to attend an in-person worship service? (Check all that apply)Stay-at-home orders have been liftedOther public gatherings have resumed (concerts, theaters, sporting events, etc.)When a vaccine and/or treatment for COVID-19 becomes widely availableI am already comfortable attendingI don't know if I will ever feel comfortable attending public gatheringsOther: 7. What precautions are you personally willing to take when returning to worship?(Check all that apply)I will bring/wear a maskI will avoid shaking handsI will avoid any physical contactI will use/bring hand sanitizerI will avoid the restroomsI will stand and sit 6 feet from non-family membersI will have my temperature taken upon entryNone of these 8. If applicable how many household members have special access or functional needs due to limitations with mobility?] 12345 9. When we reopen in person worship, how comfortable do you think you will feel attending?EagerComfortableSomewhat cautiousVery uncomfortable 10. Are you comfortable with congregational singing upon your return?YesNoUnsure 11. Given your current understanding, when do you predict you might feel comfortable attending in-person worship?July 2020August 2020Other: 12. Have you been worshiping with us online or on television since our March 15 closure?YesNo 13. Through which platform have you participated in online worship?(Check all that apply)WebsiteWMBB-TVBoth 14. What aspects of online worship have you appreciated the most? 15. What, if anything, has been the most challenging thing about our online worship services? 16. What would you like to see more of in our online worship? 17. After this time of social-distancing and online worship, what do you think will be the change to your pattern of worship?In the future, I will worship online more than I did previouslyIn the future, I will worship in-person more than I did previouslyNo change, I will return to my former pattern of worship 18. Would you attend outdoor events sponsored by SAUMC?YesNoMaybe 19. If so, what would you like to see? 20. Please list three creative ministries you envision during this time of distancing and building closures that will impact our community. 21. Is there anything else you would like to share about the church's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic? 22. What factors determine your return to in-person worship? Δ